Wednesday, July 31, 2013

In the year 2013

How do we know we exist today?

What evidence reflects this awareness?

Do we still gain knowledge through physical experiences, through tactile interpretations and bodily acts?

Is knowledge merely the outcome of research?

What does this information look like?

Does physical information have the same relevance today as it once had?

Is material evidence still important? Is it even necessary?  

Has documentation replaced our artifacts of effort?

What is the outcome of labor?

What is the purpose of intention without physical evidence?

Is art merely the refuse of the making act? 

Are there substances to resist to in virtual realms? 

What can be learned form those types of resistances?

What materials can genuinely record my interpretations? My questions? My curiosities?

Can I trust them? 

What continues to compel me to leave pieces of myself behind?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Object Changer

This short SF novel changed how I think about objects, craft, craftsmanship, and technology.  The general mechanic in the story is that in an alternate reality there is no technology that improves the quality of things, but rather the effect of using objects makes things better.  Though use, objects evolve, become better tools, and become more luxurious.  As a maker of objects, keeping this concept in mind in this reality, has radically changed my intention for making a "new" thing at the onset of its making.  Thank you David Brin.