Friday, February 5, 2010

Clay in the dark

There are dancers next to the studio, we have shared windows and often for their performances we are asked to turn the lights off every now and then. Last semester I was an early bird at the studio, usually I was the first or second one there.... but things as with classes and requirements have changed this second semester so now i am there working usually after 4 pm or so and in to the night. so as requested i turned out the lights on our side of the window save a few around my personal set up. i worked by feel and shadows for a little while there. we'll see how things went tomorrow.....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Busy, trying not to be so busy.

The last two years have been rather crazy for me. Just way way to much. Since the new year, I have been purposely more secluded. Letting the past sort it self out a bit. Letting time's filter work, passively. It feels foreign, but vaguely familiar. There has also been a lot of loose ends that i have been trying to suture in order to relieve stress. Calm. As Chris says... entering out of prolonged survival mode.