Hybrid production / making.
(Cyborg craftsman)
(Digitized humanity)
Possible effects that a digital material consciousness (the use of non-tangible bits to produce things) is having on a physically based material consciousness (the use of tangible atoms to make objects.)
Aesthetics as predicated by Gestalt theory and/or natural law is bent, if not eradicated.
The relationship between form and space blurred / homogenized.
The notions which define images apart from objects and visa versa further blurred.
A 360 degree awareness of objects is gained, thus eradicating sides, top or bottom, etc. (Objects made with out the considerations of gravity as a limiting factor / constant.)
Indeterminate time. Atemporal considerations bias of entropy.
Infinite space.
Identity crisis. We share nothing in our genetic make up with digital material. No atomic / psychological connection. In time, possible race and gender equality.
A lack of presence, no record of human interaction / involvement / manipulation. No tangible history.
The conceptualization of everything including and not limited to self.
A redefinition of function extending beyond utility and more towards the physical act of making / creation, sustaining previous notions of human problem solving. Work of the hand becoming that much more important / radical.
No rules. The possibilities are endlessly possible. Every confidence attained without need for hesitation or self doubt. No barriers / no limits.
Non-material consciousness leads to heightened transcendental / spiritual / awareness.
Transition from phonetic based languages to code, text, and/or possible telepathic languages / communication systems.
Redefinition or expansion of terms material, form, space, mass, place, human etc.
Simulation of telekinetic experiences, happenings, possibilities, and interactions.
Notions of travel, transportation, and shipping change.
Amorphous, non-structured societies, cultures, classes, and psychologies.
Environments and architectural structures become more moments than places, shelters. Notion of public spaces and / or places become radically changed.
As a digitally formated conscious is not tangible, the issues considered with it are also non-objectify-able, thus rendering these issues as conceptual and theoretical. In a sort of way, all things become harbored to the realm of imagination, mere notions if anything. It is possibly wrong to think in extremes, projecting a completely new future over a previously established way of life. Instead, consider a hybrid of these two consciousness. Ponder the possibilities of having a conscious articulated from both the materially physical as well as the digitally virtual. What are the losses, gains, and further more, what composites of both consciouses would simply expand our notions of self, being, life, and the worlds we inhabit?
Jason Lee Starin